Element index for package Google-XML-Sitemap-Feed
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- $db
- in file sitemap.class.php, variable MySQL_DataBase::$db
Database name
- $DB
- in file sitemap.class.php, variable GoogleSitemap::$DB
$DB is the database object
- DBPerform
- in file sitemap.class.php, method MySQL_DataBase::DBPerform()
Function to perform DB inserts and updates - abstracted from osCommerce-MS-2.2 project
- in file index.php, constant DIR_WS_CATALOG
Carried over from application_top.php for compatibility
- GenerateCategorySitemap
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GenerateCategorySitemap()
Funciton to generate category sitemap data
- GenerateProductSitemap
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GenerateProductSitemap()
Function to generate product sitemap data
- GenerateSitemap
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GenerateSitemap()
Function to generate sitemap file from data
- GenerateSitemapIndex
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GenerateSitemapIndex()
Function to generate sitemap index file
- GenerateSubmitURL
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GenerateSubmitURL()
Utility function to generate the submit URL
- GoogleSitemap
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::GoogleSitemap()
GoogleSitemap class constructor
- GoogleSitemap
- in file sitemap.class.php, class GoogleSitemap
Google Sitemap Base Class
- in file index.php, constant GOOGLE_SITEMAP_CAT_CHANGE_FREQ
Option for change frequency of categories
- in file index.php, constant GOOGLE_SITEMAP_COMPRESS
Option to compress the files
- in file index.php, constant GOOGLE_SITEMAP_PROD_CHANGE_FREQ
Option for change frequency of products
- $host
- in file sitemap.class.php, variable MySQL_DataBase::$host
Database host (localhost, IP based, etc)
- ReadGZ
- in file sitemap.class.php, method GoogleSitemap::ReadGZ()
Utility function to read and return the contents of a GZ formatted file